Our SponsorsThank you to our sponsors for enriching our school and community through their support of the performing arts.
Be A SponsorThe BHS Performing Arts Department serves one-quarter of the student population at Brookline High School and stages nearly 30 productions annually. Friends of Performing Arts (FoPA) collaborates with the school to provide digital and print outreach to the parent community. Businesses are invited to demonstrate their support of the performing arts in the Public Schools of Brookline by donating a year-long sponsorship which will be featured in our Program Books and on our website.
Business sponsorships run in the following printed Program Books for these annual performances in the Roberts/Dubbs Auditorium (capacity 1,000 attendees): The 9th Grade Play (4 shows in early Fall ) The Fall Play (4 shows in early Fall ) Winter Chorus/Orchestra/Band Concert (1 show in early Winter); The BHS Musical (4 shows in mid Winter) Progressions Dance Concert (3 shows in Spring) We accept camera ready artwork or we can design for you. Use this GOOGLE FORM to submit a Sponsorship request. Your ad will appear in the program books for all these performances, and on this site, too. Thank you for your support! Questions? Email [email protected]. |